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London Fortean Society: Conspiracy Theory and Culture

 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Conspiracy Theory states that nothing is how it is reported, that everything you know is wrong and sinister forces are controlling everything for their own, dark motivations. Opposing this dark pantomime are the lone hero truth tellers, from David Icke to Donald Trump to Alex Jones to the gnomic, anonymous Q.

Conspiracy thought has moved to the centre of society and has brought with it violence and terror and a removal of faith in conventional media and law. The concept of truth has been eroded. Conway Hall and the London Fortean Society present a deep dive into conspiracy theory, what it is, what it means, why it is believed and what is the harm caused by it? And how do we move on from this seductive, destructive mindset?

Join James Ball, Professor Chris French, Professor Karen Douglas, Brent Lee and Jonn Elledge for a deep dive into conspiracy theory and culture. The history, the people and the dangers of a conspiracy mindset.

Contact and Booking Details

 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Booking details and information at this website.

Reserve tickets at this website

Disclaimer: All information given is correct at the time of compiling the listings. Any questions about the event should be directed to the event organiser. Photos and images used in this listing are supplied by the organiser.

2024-06-22 12:00 2024-06-22 12:00 Europe/London London Fortean Society: Conspiracy Theory and Culture Join James Ball, Professor Chris French, Professor Karen Douglas, Brent Lee and Jonn Elledge for a deep dive into conspiracy theory and culture. Conway Hall,25 Red Lion Square,London,London


Conway Hall,

25 Red Lion Square,

What else is hapening in London on 22nd Jun 2024


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