For a couple of months each year, it’s possible to climb to the top of the ancient Round Tower inside Windsor Castle, with views all the way to London.

The Round Tower (c) ianVisits

Official blurb: Join a Conquer the Tower Tour to climb the 200 steps to the top of Windsor Castle’s iconic Round Tower. From a height of 65.5 metres, you can enjoy breathtaking views across the historic Windsor parkland, the Thames Valley, the London skyline, as well as the extent of Windsor Castle.

Translation: Climb a very tall, very old tower and take lots of photos.

The Round Tower can quite rightly be said to dominate the area. Although its core dates back to the 12th century, most of what we see is a 19th-century refurbishment, making it much taller than it was originally.

Photography isn’t allowed inside the tower or from some parts of the roof that overlook the private gardens belonging to The King, but you are free to take photos around the rest of the roof overlooking the Great Park and Windsor town centre.

View from the tower (c) ianVisits

I conquered the tower in 2017 and much enjoyed it – my review is here.

This year, they will have tours throughout August and September.

Combined ticket to Windsor Castle and the Conquer the Tower Tour:

  • Adult: £40
  • Young Person (18-24): £26
  • Child (at least 1.3m tall): £20
  • Disabled: £20

Tickets are on sale now from here.

You can comfortably spend a day in Windsor, but if you want to pack in all the things — book tickets to Windsor Castle for a Friday morning and you could also take a tour of Eton College later in the afternoon.

(make sure both have tours available on the same day before booking)


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