An archive of old footage from the Kinolibrary includes a series of films of the London Underground in the 1960s and 1970s.

It’ a world that’s at once very familiar, and yet ever so strange, with trains that look correct, but wrong, with clothes that seem conventional, but old, with colours that are washed out and none of the brightness of modern day travel.

It’s also still a world of the last of the bowler hats, and something you probably wouldn’t see at all today – people being curious about being filmed.

These days we’re so used to being watched by cameras, that we barely glance at them, but this was a different world, and cameras were far larger, so people were curious about what was going on.

And of course, people aren’t staring at phone screens, but reading newspapers.

There’s a range of videos on the Kinolibrary‘s YouTube channel to enjoy.


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