National Rail has set up an incredibly relaxing “tv channel” on YouTube that constantly shows train drivers’ view of some delightful train trips across the UK.

Coupled with soft slow music it’s at times a dreamy experience.

It bills itself as a livestream, which I will note unless it’s daylight at midnight may not be entirely accurate, but that niggle aside, it’s a wonderful idea and really quite relaxing to sit back and soak up the views.

And what a clever way of encouraging people to catch a train to somewhere nice. The video is here.

Tip – if you have a compatible TV, put it on your big screen as it looks and sounds glorious. You can also jump back on the timeline up to a day if you want.

Now, how do we persuade hospitals and GP waiting rooms to switch off aggressive daytime TV and put this on instead? It must have a health benefit to calm the waiting patients down.


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  1. Andrew says:

    I agree it would be a great thing to show in waiting rooms, rather than ghastly commercial tv as is shown here.

    • Andrew says:

      PS I looked at your site and while I have made a one off donation in the past, I am not joining another site to make a monthly contribution. YouTube channel or Patreon.

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