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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.

Baker Street Tube Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
Baker Street Tube Station ,
Baker Street Station Marylebone Rd,
Map of

Lines Served

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Hammersmith City
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London Underground logo

Which London travel zone is Baker Street Tube Station in?

Baker Street Tube Station is in London TravelZone: 1

Station facilities

Waiting room?
Cash Machines (ATMS)?



Baker Street Tube Station News

History of Baker Street Tube Station

10th Apr 1984The restoration of the sub-surface platforms -- the original part of the station was officially completed on 10th April 1984 with a ceremonial event featuring actors in Victorian clothing.
19th Dec 1981A new deep level passage opened linking the northbound Jubilee line with the southbound Bakerloo line.
Circa Apr 1981Noticed in April, that the old Metropolitan line booking hall on platforms 2 & 3 was being removed.
31st May 1980The escalators to/from the southbound Jubilee and Bakerloo line platforms were closed to be replaced.
14th Oct 1971At 00:40am, two engineering trains collided at the junction of the Metropolitan and Circle lines. The last passenger train of the night was stuck in the tunnels, requiring a trackside evacuation of the passengers. Services on the line were suspended until 4pm the following day.
16th Dec 1963The Loco spur at Baker Street was removed, and the last of the bridge rail there was replaced by a flat-bottom bridge.
8th Jun 1946The disused lifts to the Bakerloo line were switched on for this day only to handle congestion caused by the VE Day celebration parade in London. The lifts were later removed and reused at Highbury station.